Sentence of the Supreme Court on 2 February 2012.

Gli annunci ambigui sono mera pubblicità?

A man was condemned in the first and second level of the process, because he published on a web site prostitute’s photos. For this reason the Judges charged him to make easy/support the prostitution.
The Supreme Court, with the Sentence n.4443 on 2 February 2012, ruined the first sentence because the fact was not valid. The defendant limited himself to public prostitute’s advertisements on web site.

The Charges:

Niccolò Lasorsa

The Verdict:


sentence of the supreme court on 24 february 2011

New Supreme Court Decision on blogger responsability

Italiano English It’s quite funny because the case is related to the Bunga Bunga affair so famous all over Europe during this period The principle stated by the Supreme Court is that an defamation article could be freely distrained (seized).

The Charges:

Niccolò Lasorsa

The Verdict:


Court of Milan - Judgement No. 10893/2011 of 9th September 2011

The new concept of “active Provider” (English)

Italiano English The recent opinion of the Court of Milan (Judgement No. 10893/2011 of 9th September 2011) regarding the Internet Providers’responsibilities, has confirmed the new Italian case-law trend according to which Providers (ISP) should be divided into “active” and “passive” ones and that their legal responsibility should be assessed according to the strength of such.

The Charges:

Niccolò Lasorsa

The Verdict:


Can a Web page be submitted as evidence?

Can a Web page be submitted as evidence?

Italiano English After a first decision (High Court n. 2912/2004) that denied that a Web page could be produced as documentary evidence in a civil procedure, now Italian doctrine and case law are trying to fix objective criteria to be used to assess whether and when might be considered acceptable documentary evidence.

The Charges:

Niccolò Lasorsa

The Verdict:
