Retirement benefits

Retirement benefits

The Italian social security system is controlled by state agencies working under the central organization of the National Institute for Social Security (I.N.P.S.).

The Charges:

Laura Palumbo

The Verdict:

Retirement benefits

Can a Web page be submitted as evidence?

Can a Web page be submitted as evidence?

Italiano English After a first decision (High Court n. 2912/2004) that denied that a Web page could be produced as documentary evidence in a civil procedure, now Italian doctrine and case law are trying to fix objective criteria to be used to assess whether and when might be considered acceptable documentary evidence.

The Charges:

Niccolò Lasorsa

The Verdict:


Non-competition clauses in Italy

Non competion clauses in Italy /English)

Italiano English The Italian Civil Code regulates the non-competition obligation of the employee towards his employer both during the work relationship and after its termination. 

The Charges:

Laura Palumbo

The Verdict:

Non-competition clauses

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